Made with cocoa and espresso powders, cocoa nibs, and a touch of cinnamon, these sliced cookies were inspired by the traditional pairing of coffee and...
Ripe stone fruit and sweet preserves lend a double dose of peach flavor to these summery cookies. The crisp cinnamon-sugar topping yields to a tender,...
Think big-real big. These crisp, chewy treats are rich with buttery pecans and decadent chunks of creamy white chocolate. This recipe appears in our cookbook...
These Italian cookies are made without butter or oil and are twice baked to crisp perfection. Try Almond Biscotti, Cherry Espresso Biscotti, Mexican Chocolate...
Upgrade a basic shortbread cookie recipe with yellow cornmeal and orange zest, which add brightness and a subtle yellow color. Coating the outsides of...
In this cleverly customizable cookie, peanuts, almonds, and cashews work equally well for the nut and nut-butter components of the recipe. (It's best to...
We've turned the iconic holiday dessert into a batch of bite-size cookies. They're studded with glace cherries, dried papaya, and candied citron and finished...
Fresh apricot compote is swirled with cheesecake filling in this hand-held dessert. It's easy to make pretty decorative patterns. Try shallow back-and-forth...
Classic madeleines -- those perfectly delicate shell-shaped cookies -- are flavored with lemon or orange zest, but variations include chocolate, cocoa,...
We've taken the guesswork out of making this classic French cookie, so you can prepare the dessert at home (for less than 25 cents a pop!). Be sure to...
You probably have all the ingredients for these delicious peanut butter cookies on hand-especially if you're a peanut butter fan! For extra peanut butter...
Irish butter has a high butterfat content, making it especially flavorful. It's expensive to use for everyday baking but worth the splurge for this shortbread,...
This salty-sweet treat is one that both kids and adults alike will love. Plain popcorn and coarsely chopped salted pretzels are mixed together with a rich...